The Release of Deep Underground Military Bases Concealing Aliens, Weapons and Transdimensional Portals by Sheer Zed 10/04/20.

Deep Underground Military Bases Concealing Aliens, Weapons and Transdimensional Portals cover art

Deep Underground Military Bases Concealing Aliens, Weapons and Transdimensional Portals enters the world of Dulce Base (an unconfirmed black site built underground at Four Corners, USA that connects to Manzano Base, Area 51, Cheyenne Mountain Complex, and Los Alamos National Laboratory), Government cover-ups, black projects and UFO phenomena. According to The Krill Report (1988) underground bases have been established all over the world.

The report discloses the following information: “In 1979, something happened and the base was temporarily closed. There was an argument over weapons and our people were chased out. The aliens killed 66 of our people, and 44 got away. One of the people who in fact got away was a CIA agent who, before leaving, made some notes, photos, and videotapes, and went into hiding.” Deep Underground Military Bases Concealing Aliens, Weapons and Transdimensional Portals through the magick of audio explores this realm and takes the listener deeper into the mystery.

The second track on this album is called When the Sun and the Moon Are Devoured by Rāhu’s Astral Magic. This is a ceremonial sound piece for play during rituals surrounding the deity Rāhu. Rāhu is one of the nine major astronomical bodies (navagraha) in Indian texts. Unlike the other eight, Rāhu is a shadow entity, one that causes eclipses and is the king of meteors. Rāhu represents the ascension of the moon in its pre-cessional orbit around the earth.

In Hindu Astrology Rāhu represents materialism, mischief, fear, insatisfaction, obsession and confusion. Rāhu is also associated with politicians and occult sciences. Rāhu is mentioned explicitly in a pair of scriptures from the Samyutta Nikaya of the Pali Canon. Rāhu literally means ‘the seizer’, he is an inauspicious demon, associated with eclipses he is said to consume the amṛta which fills the moon. Rāhu kāla (‘Rāhu time’) is an inauspicious period, which varies from day to day; it is to be avoided if embarking on some new or doubtful enterprise.


1. Deep Underground Military Bases Concealing Aliens, Weapons and Transdimensional Portals – 23 minutes 33 seconds.

2. When the Sun and the Moon Are Devoured by Rāhu’s Astral Magic – 23 minutes 19 seconds.

Release date 10th April 2020 on Bandcamp.

Audio production and cover art by Sheer Zed.

Mastering by Loz Gill at Fat As Funk Mastering.

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